scorpion-controlWhen people think of Arizona they often visualize cacti, sunshine, and inevitably, Scorpions. With over 70 scorpion species in the U.S. and 40 of those residing right here in Arizona, the one we hear about on the news is the Bark Scorpion. The Bark Scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in North America and is very common in Phoenix, Arizona and its many surrounding cities. We are known for our scorpion control program and are one of the few companies that Guarantee Scorpion Control.


Each scorpion control technician on our staff is extensively trained to understand scorpion behavior, nesting habits, and how to efficiently identify their refuge areas. Insecta Defense Pest Control prides itself on scorpion control here in Phoenix, Arizona. Our team knows that each scorpion infestation is unique, which is why our scorpion control specialists carefully analyze every aspect of your house or business to help you effectively prevent future infestations.


Controlling scorpions also requires more than just great products and technicians, it requires an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for control. Each client will receive a custom plan to make their property less welcoming to scorpions by following simple home improvement and landscaping techniques. Each infestation needs to be handled differently, but it is important for every Arizona resident to:

  • Remove hiding places: Eliminate piles of lumber, bricks, cardboard, clutter and other stacked items that create clusters of tight spaces, especially ones close to the structure and in the garage.
  • Landscaping: Keep the yard clear of dead leaves, tall grass, and other debris that creates shade and shelter.
  • Excess Moisture: Scorpions need water just like we do and thrive on excess moisture. Fix any leaking pipes or plumbing. Do not over water your grass and vegetation, and ensure the ground slopes properly away from the structure so there is no standing water.
  • Exclusion: Limit any and all entry points by fitting all doors and windows with tight-fitting weather-stripping. Other potential entry points should be screened or caulked; including vents, window casings, and plumbing and electrical entrances. Ensure doors have sufficient door sweeps and tight fitting thresholds on the bottom with no cracks larger than 1/16 of an inch. Seal with expanding foam or caulk all cracks and crevices around the foundation of the house. Green Home Pest Control offers home sealing services, call us for a quote or fill out our online form.