5 Ways to keep bugs away from home

In addition to pest control, there are 5 ways to keep bugs away from home. All it takes is a few minutes to inspect your house and run to your local home improvement store and get some low cost materials.  Follow these easy steps, to help keep bugs away from home.

1 Inspect all doors and windows for cracks and crevices, if found seal up all cracks and crevices with caulk or weather striping.

2 Remove all exhaust vent covers from the inside, place mosquito fine wire mesh around the vent, cut to the exhaust vent cover shape, screw back the vent with the wire inside. This will seal up all possible entryways from vents.

3 Go around your home and look at any plant or tree that may be touching your walls or roof, trim all branches and plants away from home about 1-2 feet away.

4 Check all your exterior of your home for attic holes, cracks in the stucco/brick, seal up any cracks or holes with foam or caulk.

5 Look at your yard for any debris, wood piles or moisture near home, remove or lift from ground, on moisture reduce irrigation time just enough to keep all plants and grass green to avoid standing water or access moisture, fix or replace any leaking sprinkler pipes or valves.


Written by,


Gerry Bustamante


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